In today’s competitive business landscape, it isn’t easy for customer-facing teams to manage their customer relationship without the help of CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software. Besides managing customer relationships, a powerful CRM can help in achieving operational and business process efficiency. This explains why many organizations, irrespective of their size, use a robust CRM. 

How can Brands Benefit by Leveraging Salesforce Messaging App?

However, to maximize their ability to reach and engage with leads, organizations should leverage a CRM integrated texting App that can provide them with features that cannot be provided by individual text marketing software. One such CRM integrated messaging App is the Smart SMS App built natively on the Salesforce platform. 

The robust App offers a wide array of advantages over regular SMS services. By leveraging such a Salesforce texting App, organizations tend to add automated text messaging to their ongoing marketing strategies and tactics, which will pave the way for better customer engagement and more closed sales deals. 

By integrating text messaging in their CRM, brands can benefit in several ways: 

  • It allows brands to use cross-channel marketing differently.
  • It paves the way for multi-channel marketing, allowing brands to attract and convert new customers while retaining existing ones. 
  • It ensures that the right message is sent to the right user at the right time.
  • Brands can segment their client base and send tailored and targeted messages to every client, depending on their purchase history.
  • A CRM integrated SMS App will ensure improved customer relationships as the SMS functionality assures better chances of connecting and selling. 
  • A CRM integrated SMS App will help organizations improve their brand awareness. It will become easy for customers to forward promotional messages to people in their group who might become customers.
  • By leveraging a CRM SMS App, organizations can send reminders for meetings, appointments, and deadlines to customers and sales reps. This will saves time and money while improve the overall efficiency of the organization.

Quick Wrap-up:

There are several other benefits of CRM SMS integration other than those mentioned here. Such an App is a crucial addition to your brand and business in general. So, if you wish to place your business at the forefront, it’s essential to include one of the Best SMS App for Salesforce as a part of your marketing campaign, which can take your business communication to a new level. 

About Author
Jaya Ghosh
Jaya is a content marketing professional with more than 10 years of experience into technical writing, creative content writing and digital content development. Her decade long experience lends her the ability to create content for multiple channels and across different technology verticals.
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